We’ve updated SquadCast once again based on feedback & ideas from the Podcast Community. Thank You & more to come!

🏷️ Accessibility enhancements for all Recording Studio controls, buttons, & labels

  1. Labels have been added to all of the buttons within the Recording Studio’s bottom toolbar 🏷️
  2. The Microphone & Camera toggle button labels have been edited to be more clear πŸŽ™οΈ
  3. The Leave Session button color contrast has been been improved & the icon removed πŸ–οΈ
  4. The Host’s Navigation Menu has been improved & has a new hamburger icon πŸ”
  5. The Participant Settings button has been improved & has a new gear icon βš™οΈ
  6. An issue has been fixed with the color contrast of the Recording Timer for Guests in Light Mode ⏲️

Thank you Guy Kawasaki & Sixzero!

New Button Labels in Studio

βœ… Improved experience for switching plans

  1. The Upgrade page has been updated to confirm before completing the plan change
  2. The confirmation includes info about invoicing, proration, & recording time

Are You Sure? Upgrade

🍎 Access has been restored for Apple Safari, iOS, & iPadOS

  1. Fixing an issue with the app failing to render in Safari, iOS, & iPadOS 14
  2. Recording is still not yet a thing, but should be very soon!

πŸš€ Other Awesome Improvements

  • The color contrast of all form inputs has been improved